EXOTIC MUSHROOMS IN OILMushrooms, such as Oyster, shiitake, ceps, chestnut (also called brown cap)
Coriander Seeds
of fresh thyme,
Bay leaves,
olive Oil
Wipe the mushrooms and trim off any tough pieces at the end of the stalks.
Cut into neatish pieces, then place in a steamer, sprinkle lightly with salt and steam over boiling water until just tender
- usually about 5-7 minutes depending on the variety.
At the same time add some peeled and halved garlic cloves to cook
in the water below the mushrooms.
Drain both mushrooms and garlic on kitchen paper, then pack into clean, dry jars. Add
a teaspoon of lightly crushed coriander seeds, a sprig of thyme and a bay leaf to each jar and top with olive oil.
serve, pour off some of the oil into a seperate container (use for frying potatoes, or strips of bacon to add to a salad)
tip the mushrooms into a dish, add a squeeze of lemon juice and a grinding of pepper.