Garlic, Olives, Chilli, and Gourmet Preserves

Spicy Chilli

Delicious Garlic
Delectable Olives
Spicy Chilli
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The Chilli Pepper plant is indigenous to South America, where they grow wild. The very first concerted cultivation of the plant is believed to have taken place around 7000 to 6000 BC and traces have been found at prehistoric burial sites around Peru. By the turn of the 15th century, when the Spanish and Portuguese discovered South America, chilli peppers were widely cultivated for human consumption.
The main virtue of the chilli pepper lies in the fact that it is a powerful stimulant, yet has no narcotic effects. At last, something that feels good and is good for you! It is interesting that the chilli is most popular in tropical climates.

Expreriment with the chillies, as it can be very hot
The most awesome chicken sandwich ever!
Very unusual and spicy

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