Making your own Gourmet Coffee Drinks
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From the Arabian and Turkish coffeehouses of the sixteenth century, on through the explosion of Londons' coffeehouses in the seventeenth century, citizens of the world have been brought together by their love of this tasty and uplifing beverage.
Once people were just interested in having a standard cup of coffee, now they not only enjoy a regular espresso or cappuccino at the coffee bar, they also ordering speciality drinks.
With this site I try to collect all the most delicious gourmet coffee drinks that are served around the world today.
I live in Melbourne,  which is the Coffee Capital of Australia and many of those coffe drinks are served in most of our more enlightend  suburbs.
I hope that once you have tried the recipes included here, you will want to experiment on your own with different ingredients, depending on your tastes
You might even come up with a few new gourmet coffe drinks you like to tell me about!
Say what??

 Drinking Coffee to Protect Your Liver
A new study suggests drinking a lot of coffee may have a protective effect for folks who might be abusing their liver. 
Researchers say coffee appears to protect the liver of those at risk for developing disease due to obesity, viral infections or alcohol use.

Those who drink three or more cups have lower rates of liver disease than those who do not take in much caffeine.

Scientists aren't sure how caffeine helps, but plan to do more study.

Beans purchased in artight (or vacuum packed) bags will last for weeks or even months if unopened and stored at room temperatur. Once the beans have been exposed to air, they should ideally be used within two weeks. Therefore it is a good idea to buy your coffee on a regular basis, only as you need it