The Serendipitous Gardener
Lavender 1
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Queen Elizabeth 1 reputedly consumed countless cups of this tisane
3 TBS fresh English lavender flowers
2 cups boiling water
Honey to taste
Allow the flowers to steep for 3 to 4 minutes, strain and serve with a slice of lemon and honey if liked. If using dried flowers, halve the quantity used.
A little mint or rosmary can be added for an intersting flavour variation

4 cups of fruit cut into bite size pieces
1 cup lynchee syrup
3 TB Grand Marnier
1 cup sparkling wine
10 sprig fresh lavender flowers
Chill together for several hours, gently blending togehter twice. When ready to serve, bring to the rable decorated with fresh sprigs of lavender

Lavender Fritters
140g melted butter
400g flour
good pinch baking soda
yolk of one egg
2 egg whites
pinch of salt
1 dessertspoon finley chopped english lavender
1 tsp warm water
2 TBS lavender conserve
Beat all the ingredients except the egg whites to a creamy constistency and allow to stand for at least one hour. When ready to use, fold in the two stiffly beaten egg whites. Heat a light vegetable oil and add spoonfuls of the mixture. Drain on paper towelling.
Serve with a bowl of lemon wedges and a bowl of lavender conserve

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