The Serendipitous Gardener

Healing from our Garden

Do's and don'ts for a healthy Veggie garden
Making room for easy gardening
Gardening in containers
Healing from our Garden
Nibbling on Roses and Lavender
Drink your vegetables, fruits, weeds , herbs and flowers
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Some of this remedies are quite good, some are funny and a few are outright disgusting. If you have a weak stomach do not read the ones which are marked. I included them, because in the olden days people rather used even horrbile remedies instead of going to a doctor
These are remedies from A-Z use them at your own risk. I used a few, and they worked on me.
Some of the herbs I don't even know, or they don't exist in Australia.
Most of the time when fresh herbs are called for, you can use the dried variety from the Health shop as well

Caused by scratching or any other breaking of the skin. One must first ensure the sore is thoroughly cleansed of dirt and grit. Bathe with boracic lotion, then apply iodine
Take from the garden a large parsnip, boil to pulp consistency and strain. Bathe the affected part with strained water, then apply the parsnip pulp as hot as can borne.
or Take some lily of the valley leaves, steep in boiling water. Put into muslin then apply as a poultice. Bandage and leave overnight. Repeat until cure is effected
or To cure make a poultice of monkey musk flower and hot water, place on the abcess and secure with bandage
Acidity (Stomach)
Symtoms such as heartburn, flushing of the face and many other disagreeable feelings, accompany this disorder. To relieve one must first contain the acidity. This is best done by taking two teaspoons of magnesia in a tumbler of milk or half a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in reasonably ot water.
One cupful of nettle tea night and morning, made by boiling fresh nettles for two hours and decanting liquid. The nettles can also be eaten as a vegetable.
To relieve, the sufferer should sniff intotheir nose salted water
To allay ageing one should take the "Miracle Brew"
To make:
gather a handful of healthy stinging nettles, dandelions flowers and roots and some red clover. Stew in two pints of water for 2 hours, strain liquid, add Honey, juice of three large lemons and a spoonful of brewers yeast. Leave overnight, next morning strain and bottle. Works marvels. Is also sid to stop one goin bald

Lots more to come

Here are be the horrible ones



The child who wets the bed should be fed unknown a boiled or fried field mouse. After which bedwetting will stop.

Cures for Colds

Take a sock that has been worn, place around patient's neck on going to bed. Smelly but succesfull (they say)


Wash hands with Urine and leave it on all day, try not to wash your hands (smelly again)
Soak feet in cold urine

To break a fever

Gather a large number of earthworms and fill a man's woolen sock with them. The sock should then be put around the patients' neck and left overnight. In the morning the patient will be cool and the worms will have dissolved into oil

Lots more to come

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